Sunday, July 17, 2016

Introvert Self-Help Books

I always saw my quiet/shy personality as a handicap.... But it never stopped me from going for it.
I've read several books on shy, quiet, and introverted personalities, and heard a lot about this book "Quiet" by Susan Cain.  It was a "NY Times Best Seller".  However, I found it to be a book about introverts rather than for introverts.  It has a lot of true stories and scientific information about introverts, but it doesn't necessarily solve the problem.  It describes and examines the wounds rather than allowing me to walk.
My favorite book is still "The Introvert Advantage" by Marti Olsen Laney.  It gets right to the point and gives tips on how to live an introverted life in an extroverted world. You can open up the book anywhere and find something useful out of it, rather than having to start from the beginning.  (Something I like in particular, because I am not a strong reader.) Some might see introversion as something to overcome or get rid of, but understanding that it is a part of you and something you have to embrace and work with, is what has helped me throughout the years.
As a painfully shy little girl to a still shy 30-something female, I've learned to embrace it, challenge it, and at the end of the day, knowing that I have the courage to try different things -- from going on random dates, to taking a solo trip overseas, to becoming an Uber driver and having to talk to strangers every day.  I look back and realize how far I've come.  Not to mention my career in the male dominated industry of construction management.  This is all another story I can save for another blog.  Til' then, that is my quick review and conclusion from reading Susan Cain's "Quiet"... At least she made it mainstream for us silent underdogs.

Monday, May 23, 2016

How to Pay Down Debt for Newbies - The importance of interest rates

When I was younger, I would pay down whichever debt had the largest balance, and never really thought twice about what the interest rates were and never really checked.  All I thought was, I will pay this down gradually and tackle the biggest one first.  This makes sense to a certain degree.... But as the saying goes, the devil is in the details.

Interest rates! Interest rates! Interest rates!  Pay down the debt with the highest interest rates  first.  This is the money that is charged on top of the money loaned. 5%  15% 22%.... Tackle the debt with the biggest interest rates.  You want to pay what you borrowed, but you don't want to pay the extra fees.  Those extra fees come from the interest rates, so you don't want to carry a large balance on a high interest rate credit card.

 Most automobile loans have pretty low interest rates (around 3%), so it's ok not to pay off your car right away if you have other debt.  Credit cards have up to 22%.... a low credit card APR would be around12-15%.  You always want to pay down your credit cards first.  Make sure you know what interest rates your cards have and start with the largest. You can do the math on how much money goes to interest rates, and in some cases it makes sense to pay down large balances... However, if you don't want to put a lot of thought into paying off your bills... Rule of thumb: Pay down the high interest rates first.

This is just a starter post for this section... I plan to post more financial tips and tell you my story.  I've always been a saver, but living in the bay area and having family obligations, it gets a little tough.  My goal is to MAKE THE MOST OUT OF WHAT YOU HAVE.

til next time.